Greetings and welcome to my practice. If you have arrived here, chances are you are looking for some kind of help. Perhaps you have come to the right place.
In my experience, life can be hard. It is part of the human experience and we all have ways of managing the ups and downs. At times, life’s challenges can overwhelm our ability to cope. Symptoms or behaviors can emerge that interfere with our work, relationships, and quality of life. During these times, people often need professional help.
Engaging professional help can be difficult…very difficult. Being vulnerable and facing the more fragile parts of oneself can be the hardest thing some people ever do. It takes courage, strength, and determination. The good news is it’s worth it! For many, working through one’s challenges can be life-changing, transformative, and freeing.
I am an adult psychiatrist who treats individual clients with a wide range of concerns. Board certified with a full medical license, I am trained in the traditional model of mental health care. I primarily view myself as a psychotherapist, but also have extensive training and experience in prescribing and managing psychiatric medications. This is a responsibility I take seriously. Though it can be an important part of some treatments, I view medication as only one of many tools used to help my patients get where they want to be.
I practice an integrative model of care using the best of evidence-based modern psychiatry, relational psychotherapy, and a range of more holistic approaches.